Summary of information and resources as at 16 September 2021
This document has been produced by NHS England (London) and provides a summary of information published by the national health, care and education bodies as at 16 September 2021. It is intended for use by the NHS, Local Authorities, elected representatives, schools and the public.
This autumn, all children aged 12 to 15 years are being offered the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccination, following advice from the UK’s four Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) to the Government.
Very few healthy children and young people with Covid-19 go on to have severe disease, but offering vaccination to 12 to 15 year olds should help to reduce the risk of complications, reduce time out of education, and reduce the spread of Covid-19 within schools.
Children will be offered the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which is the vaccine approved by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for children and young people over 12 years of age. This follows a thorough review of the safety, quality and effectiveness of the vaccine in this age group.
The NHS is now preparing to deliver a vaccination programme in schools, similar to the way that other school-aged vaccinations such as HPV and flu are managed. Most areas will start to send invitations for Covid-19 vaccination from 20 September 2021 and school vaccination teams will start vaccinating soon after that. Consent will be sought from parents, guardians and carers before vaccination starts. Alternative arrangements will be made for children who are home schooled, in secure services or specialist mental health settings.
At present, one dose of the vaccine will be offered to most children in this age group, and the timing of a second dose will be confirmed later. Children in this age group who are clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV), or live with someone who is immunosuppressed, will be offered two doses and will be contacted by their GP to arrange this.
Links to information for healthcare workers, schools, parents, carers and young people
COVID-19 vaccination information on NHS.UK General information for the public on the Covid-19 vaccination, including how to get the vaccination, eligibility, side effects and safety.
Children’s Covid-19 vaccination leaflets Including the ‘What to expect after your Covid-19 vaccination’ leaflet for children aged 12+.
Easy-read children’s Covid-19 vaccination leaflet Easy-read guides providing information on Covid-19 vaccination.
Information and FAQs for schools, parents, guardians, carers and young people on 12-15 vaccination Including frequently asked questions about issues such as consent and side effects.
Review of the safety, quality and effectiveness of the vaccine in 12 to 15 year olds Information from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) on how the vaccine was authorised.
Detailed information about consent for young people, including Gillick competence The ‘Green Book’ has the latest information on vaccines and vaccination procedures and issues relating to it.
Covid-19 public guidance National guidance on how to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
The full information pack and FAQs are here: National materials 12-15 vaccination 16 Sept v2