Hillingdon hospital roadshow

Book now for your place on the new Hillingdon hospital roadshow

Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is taking its plans to build a new hospital for Hillingdon on the road with a series of events.

They want to hear from you and get your feedback ahead of submitting a planning application.

Register for an event online via the hospital’s redevelopment website thh.nhs.uk/redevelopment or use the links below

Tuesday 18 January 2022, from 6pm to 7pm bit.ly/roadshow-18-Jan

Thursday 3 February 2022, from 6pm to 7pm bit.ly/roadshow-3-Feb

Thursday 17 February 2022, from 6pm to 7pm bit.ly/roadshow-17-Feb

Niall Smith
Redevelopment Communications and Engagement Manager
The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Hillingdon Hospital | Pield Heath Road | Uxbridge | UB8 3NN
E: niall.smith5@nhs.net